
Waiting to Play Leap Frog from an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gift

These Webkinz Bullfrogs are practicing their leap frog skills while waiting for a ride in a shoebox to a new home where they will be able to bring a smile (as wide as theirs) to a child in crisis.  Operation Christmas Child will be delivering them around Christmas time.
Check out other ideas of Filler Items for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.
Also, Why We Always Include a Stuffed Animal in Our Shoeboxes.

This post is part of Wordless Wednesday.


  1. Cute! And so nice of you to give them to someone in need.

  2. Cute frogs! Great to know that they will be a part of Operation Christmas Child!

  3. They're so sweet! What a wonderful gift to give

  4. We have those frogs too! They bring my kids so much joy!

  5. Lol, even the frogs get frisky in the Spring. :) Happy WW!

  6. You will definitely bless a child with those! they are very cute!

  7. lol, we have some real frogs...and tadpoles! Fingers crossed a few manage to grow up into new frogs :)

    Happy Wednesday

  8. My daughter likes to collect frogs stuff animal..

    Visiting for Wordless Wednesday- hope you can stop by:)


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