There were several pieces of Christmas print material and some other pieces that must be from the 60's. There is one large piece of double knit. I can always find something to create out of fabric: tote bags, dresses, cuddlies, doll
clothes, etc.
There were some of those printed on fabric kits--where you cut out the pieces printed on and sew together. There are puppies, snowmen, and scarecrows. I think the final product may be too big for a show box (will give some other way), but the pictures of the finished product I hope to make little stuffies out of and perhaps use the puppy idea to design a pattern to make some.
There was a huge box of brand new calendars. These will be fun to make crafts out of including coloring books and notepads. There are some really cute kids ones (I think she bought for my girls and never sent them).
There are four bags of different types of clothes pins to make into dolls. I had seen here quite a while ago on Clip With Purpose that Jessica made some--all of the beads, ribbon and fabric will make designing these fun.
There are dozens of bags of various beads and pearls. Some are very small so I am not sure what I will do with them, but I have read of making little kits for 10 to 14 year old girls so they can make and sell them. I'll be looking into that.
I really do not like to sew with seam binding, I don't know why, but I was THRILLED when I saw all of this. I have been wanting to make pillowcase dresses and needed seam binding (I had none since I hate sewing with it). Not only do I have plans to put them in my OCC boxes, but I want to get involved with Dress A Girl Around the World making dozens of dresses for those precious girls--so this will be put to good use.
These little jingle bells will probably be tucked into some little soft, stuffed animals for 2 to 4 year old boxes. They are small, so it may take two or three in each, but I can't wait to design some simple ones.
Ribbon, ribbon and more ribbon. Most of this ribbon is craft ribbon, not sewing ribbon, so I will be creating some things I have not even thought of yet. I know one thing I will be looking into is hair ribbons for girls--tucked on clips as well as head bands. But I need to be searching for other ideas, too.
And on Monday I found out another exciting way I can get free craft supplies as well as advertise Operation Christmas Child. Stay tuned and I'll be telling you more!
Do you have ways to obtain craft supplies for your donation projects? Any great ideas for some of the supplies here that I could do?
If you are looking for some craft ideas for your shoeboxes check out our Crafting For Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Tutorial Index.
That's a lot of cool stuff. I saw the cloaths pins and was instantly transported back to when I was a little kid; hands covered in paint doing my best to draw the perfect little smile.
Can't wait to see what you create!
Kris, it's funny, I never played with or saw a clothes pin doll that I can remember. Glad to take you back in time thru a fond memory :-).
Susan, I can't either :-). I'm just working on packing it up in an organized fashion. My mind is racing as I look at all the different things.
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