
Donations Received from Near and Far ~ Organizing a Spur of the Moment OCC Packing Party

From My Daughter's Facebook Plea
Stuffed Animals for an Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing party.
Request for small stuffed animals & Beanie Babies.
Results:  19 loveys for boxes!
I wanted to take a moment to share donations we have received this week for our Spur of the Moment Packing Paryt for Operation Christmas Child.  With the time limit and personal time restraints we were unable to run around to stores/hotels/restaurants/etc. and request donation items, but we still received

Nine t-shirts leftover from a church function.

From A Simply Shoeboxes Blog Posting (no request, just a post about our party read by an OCC shoebox packer in TN)
Rachel, a Simply Shoe Boxes reader from TN contacted me saying she had
100 sticker booklets left from her packing of 125 boxes and she'd love to
send them for our boxes.  Look what those stickers turned into by the time
she packed and sent them--her box was full!
Play Dough, Airplanes, Balls, Necklaces and of course, stickers!!!

It is such a blessing to pass these generous gifts onto the children thru our packing party.

Now we have sent out a plea for empty shoe boxes.  Yes, we have had a wrench thrown in our packing party.  Our church ordered the GO Boxes from Samaritan's Purse for members to take and fill.  They ordered what they thought was an extra 100 to 150 for the packing party.  A week ago, there were over 150 left, this past Wednesday we were down to 50!  And people will still have the opportunity to take one to fill this Sunday....we pack on Wednesday.  A great problem to have!  It means more boxes than ever are being filled by our church members!!
Shoebox Collection Countdown:
Need:  125
Collected so far: 23
Follow along with our family as I share our journey of The Spur of The Moment OCC Packing Party of 2013.


  1. I have shown a few pic on fb of what I have been doing at the After Christmas clearances! A former church friend is sending a ck in the mail to help my efforts!! I feel so encouraged by it!

  2. How Wonderful!!! I never seemed to get things like I see others getting, and then I just decided the boxes would get packed somehow and sure enough now and again someone comes alongside and donates!


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