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Step 5: Bagging School Supplies ~ Organizing a Spur of the Moment OCC Packing Party

Packing school supplies for an Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing party.

Our spur of the moment Operation Christmas Child packing party is coming together.  Five days from now it will be history.  We bagged all of the school supplies for each box in a gallon zipper bag just as we bagged the hygiene items.  My daughter choose to do it this way for two reasons:
  1. To better ensure each box will be getting each item.
  2. Make it easier on the kids packing the boxes.
    1. Limiting the number of items they are responsible to put in each box will not only make it easier on them, but make it move more quickly.  They are very limited on time as they are squeezing in the packing of the boxes into a regular AWANA club night.
We had a few small notebooks on hand, a few pairs of scissors and a dozen sets of colored pencils.  These we included in some of the 10 to 14 year old boxes.  The rest of our school supply bags consisted of:
  • 3 pencils
  • 3 erasers
  • pencil sharpener
  • crayons
  • plain paper
  • lined paper
  • stickers
  • 3 envelopes
Colored pencils were included instead of crayons in some.

We did not include any pens. I have read much lately about the lack of landfills in many of these countries and how many packers are not only removing the packaging but not including markers because of the plastic waste.  So we decided to skip the pens this year for the same reason.

Stretching the Budget
  • Split larger packs of crayons--we put eight crayons in each box.
  • Split larger packs of pencils, erasers & sharpeners.
  • Split colored pencil packs (we had 9 packs of 12--we split them into 12 sets of 9)
  • Pick up throughout the year as much lined and plain paper as possible for free after MaxPerks or for pennies.  Split the packs between the boxes.
I love adding brightly colored items.
I first separated the crayons by colors.
Then bagged 8 including a variety. 

Next year, if we get to do this again, I would love to sew little bags to tuck the school supplies into.  My mind is already spinning as to a design.  I'll share it with you all when I design it.

EDIT:  Here is the design I came up with:  Simple Drawstring Pencil Pouch.

Follow along with our family as I share our journey of The Spur of The Moment OCC Packing Party of 2013.

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