When sending an
Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift be sure to include a personal letter with your return address or email address inside. Many times a child receiving a shoe box will write those who sent it.

We have gotten several over the years. Some were children in hospitals and orphanages and like this one I received from Latvia, the young girl and her mother lived with her grandparents. We actually corresponded for a short while. I can remember that she loved stickers and was learning English in school so corresponding was good practice for her. Sarah received an email from an older sibling of a recipient of one of her boxes this year. It included a picture of the girl with her box--that was fun because Sarah could tell just which box this girl received.
Also include a photo of yourself or family. Those who hand out the shoe boxes say this is often the child's favorite item in the shoe box. I remember seeing in a video, a young Spanish speaking boy waving the photo from his box and shouting "amigo, amigo."
If you could like some tips on writing a letter check out this post:
Tips on Writing a Letter for an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox.
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