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Upcycled Cards & Cardboard Tubes = Paper Holders for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Finished tubes.
I watched a long interview online of an OCC Representative talking about all aspects of  Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts.  I am sorry but I have no idea where I saw this or who it was, so I can't share it.  She began at one point showing what she had in her box and one thing stuck with me--an upcycled toilet paper roll tube.

She took the tube and wrapped it in pretty paper.  She then rolled the school paper she was including in the box and tucked it inside the tube.  It kept the paper from creasing and also looked pretty.  I knew I had to try this and also share it with you all.  As always, I added a twist to the original idea:  make tubes out of cards!

Greeting cards are already decorated and with a little free tape I had on hand it was a breeze to whip some up.  I am thinking some stick glue might work nicely, too, but I don't have much experience with it.  I just rolled my cards up and taped
them well.  I didn't bother cutting off the extra, but you could.  I used a paper towel roll tube to measure for an idea of about the size needed.  The cards can also be turned sideways and rolled--that would make narrow cards provided a wider tube.
Paper towel roll tube cut in half--will be wrapped with paper.

So be sure and save your Christmas cards this year and greeting cards throughout the year!  They will add a nice pop of color to your boxes and nicely hold your paper (I think I will tuck my pencils/sharpeners/erasers inside when packing).
I had some boxes of cards I had gotten for 10 cents at Dollar General last year.
Many we used for shoe boxes and for our AWANA kids to sign for
shut ins from church. These two I did not like the sayings inside,
but the images make for fun paper holders!

I you'd like other ideas for upcycling that we've shared click this link:  Upcycling Crafts for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.

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