
My Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts Stockpile Organization

When we moved into our new home I immediately claimed the large downstairs laundry room as my Operation Christmas Child packing and crafting room. I have my sewing machine & cutting table set up so I can easily sew my pillowcase style dresses and other goodies to tuck inside my OCC shoebox gifts. My husband added the ceiling tiles so my room would be neater and cleaner and added extra lighting so it's nice and bright to work in.

Wire Shelving for OCC shoebox supply organization.

There were a couple of storage closets in our new home with this white wire shelving inside that we did not want to keep so my husband removed it.  EUREKA!!  Perfect to put up around the top of the
laundry room to hold my Operation Christmas Child shoe box supplies.

Bankers Boxes for Operation Christmas Child stock organization
A couple of years back Office Max offered these Banker Boxes for free after MaxPerks rebates.  I ordered all the maximum offered with rebates. They are great for sorting my shoe box stockpile:  sturdy & easy to handle--tho some do get filled up quickly.  I try to pack many of my boxes as I go which helps keep the stock in these boxes lower.  But I like to keep many items to have mini packing parties with friends and family.

Labeling OCC stockpile boxes
Gotta love I'd choose a box with a misspelled label! LOL
I used the Operation Christmas Child logo on labels I made to attach to the boxes.  They offer a lot of graphics for use on their website.

So if you are struggling to find a place for your OCC shoebox stockpile, look around and look UP -- you may find some spots just waiting to be utilized.

We have shared several ideas on Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Stockpile Organization if you are interested.


  1. Those bankers' boxes work well for something else, too. When they are emptied after packing, they will hold six GO boxes or five other boxes nicely, which helps with transportation. I do that every year then take my boxes home from the drop--off location.

  2. Perfect idea! My husband will love you for this idea!

  3. What a great idea to sort as you buy. We started collecting a few years ago with three little boxes, one for each age group, to add to over the course of year.

    Last year, we outgrew the little boxes and stored everything we gathered in two big boxes.

    This year, we have bags overflowing bags and piles overflowing piles. God keeps increasing!

    After this year's somewhat chaotic storage (I can't even use the word system), I'm thinking next year I need a better plan to keep ahead of the collecting.

    Sorting by items looks like it is the way to go! Thank you for sharing your practical idea!

  4. You are welcome, Suzanne. I have added a few totes after I wrote this I had things overflowing too much. By separating as I buy I know what items I am short on and which I need to STOP buying :-) .


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