
Fit for a Princess ~ Crafting for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

I just love how shoe boxes come together.  My weekly Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Sewing & Crafting includes a special "designed for a princess" set.  This grouping began last Christmas when my daughter gave me the little princess doll.  She knows I love dolls and wanted to give me
something I could share with my shoe box children.

The little princess waited many months.
The princess has been sitting on my dresser waiting for me to add her to a delightful box for a little girl.  Well, her wait was over when Kristy of Hopeful Threads sent a box full of fabrics for me to make pillow case style dresses with.  Tucked among the pieces was this small piece of princess fabric which perfectly matches this dotted fabric she also sent. Now I needed to decide how to design it to make the best use of the princess fabric.

And then....the glass slipper...okay, I know, that's stretching it, how about and then the plastic shoes, my husband picked up matched perfectly.  They are purple and have sparkles all over them -- just like the princess' dress is sparkly purple.

Sparkly Purple "glass" Slippers.
I added a bit of satin ribbon on the pocket and near the bottom because every princess needs some silky satin in her life.  I imagine her enjoying running her hand across the smooth surface and it bringing comfort to her.  I also chose the many colors in the fabric to make another source of comfort for her:  A Grandma Sally's Bitty Blanket (in lower left of image above).

A Touch of Satin.
When I was all done and had it all packed away, I found this sweet label in the box that Kristy sent and just had to add it.  The perfect finishing touch!

I hope it perfectly fits the princess who receives it.

Have you ever packed a Princess themed box?  We love packing themed boxes.  You can see more of them in this link:  Themed Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.

If you'd like to make your own dresses I have written a tutorial and included the pattern here:  Simple Pillow Case Style Dress Tutorial.  And you can find more of my dresses here:  Dresses Made by Cheryl.


  1. I love the embellishments that you added to your pillowcase dress. I have spare ribbon and piping that I had no idea how to use- now I can add them to pockets! Thanks for all that you share with us! Carla

  2. Glad to help, Carla! When I add a pocket I love to do little extras and scraps of bias, ribbon, piping, rick rack are all great to use. Happy creating! And thanks for commenting and letting me know the post helped you.

  3. Everything looks beautiful!!!!! :) Fit for a Princess indeed!

  4. Thanks, Kristy, and thanks again for the fun fabric!


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