
Preparing Toddler Puzzles to Fit Into Operation Chrismtas Child Shoeboxes

Adding puzzles to Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.
I shared earlier how I had received a couple dozen toddler board puzzles that were too large to fit into my Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.  I also inherited some wonderful Noah's ark fabric that matched the theme of the puzzles.  Well, with my daughter's help we have finished the puzzle project and have 23 ready to
add to our 2 to 4 year old boxes at zero cost.

We've included a card stock image of the completed puzzle (my daughter scanned the puzzles and put two images on one sheet--cut in half they fit perfectly in the bags).  The cardboard is nice and sturdy and works just fine being built without the cardboard frame.

By using the donated puzzles, inherited fabric and scraps of bias tape and yarn from other projects we have been able to provide 23 little ones with a special gift.  This is something I want to get better at:  using what I have to make nice gifts for the children so I can pack even more boxes.

I have shared several tutorials for drawstring bags if you are interested you can find them here with all of our tutorials:  Crafting for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.

Sarah has also started a series of posts you may be interested in:  How to Make It Fit in an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox.


  1. This is such a great idea! I love the matching bags and the card stock print is something I probably wouldn't have thought to add either. Thank you so much for sharing this :)

  2. Glad to help, Michelle. When my daughters got the puzzles they wanted them for shoe boxes and we brainstormed on the best way to get them in and together we came up with this. Happy Packing!

  3. love it!! This is the kinda thing I want my mom to help me do!


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