
Prepping for Our Family Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party

I've been working, along with my daughter Sarah, opening all the packages, throwing away or recycling what packaging we can and taking inventory of our  Operation Christmas Child shoebox stock in preparation of our upcoming family packing party.  Here are just a few of the items.

School Supplies:

Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing party organization.
 Stuffed Animals:

We include a stuffed animal in each box.  If you'd like to know why check out this post:Why We Include a Stuffed Animal in Each of Our Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
 Balls for Toddlers:

We took inventory and  made shopping lists.  Surprisingly we were only short on a few items and even more surprisingly I have MUCH MORE than I thought I I am scurrying to gather more empty shoe boxes!  As soon as we had it all counted and began shopping for items we were short on, I learned from a friend I met online that she was sending me 24 -- yes, 24 -- little dresses!  I am excited to see so many more little ones receiving a Christmas gift! to update the shopping list!

Meanwhile, you can check out all of our Operation Christmas Child Packing Party posts to see other organizational ideas and our kids at church in action.


  1. I've been pondering how to organize for the family this weekend. What a great idea to put like items in small baskets. We have lots of extra shoeboxes - from Marshalls - so I could use those! Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Glad to help, Suzanne! I "inherited" these when AWANA stopped at our church and the office was dismantled--my daughters couldn't stand the thought of them being thrown away so they brought them to Mom. Wondered what I would do with so many. They worked great for little socks, too!


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