
Special, Unexpected Filled Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Donation

After posting a "WANTED:  Empty Shoe Boxes" poster at work my husband received a few inquiries as to how to pack a box.  He took in brochures to give to those interested. He also provided the drop off location times so they could either drop them off themselves or bring them to him and we would take them.

Special Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts
I know the pretty ribbons will need to be removed at the processing center,
but I loved the detail she put into wrapping these.
 Maybe the checker will put them back on and they can be taped over; I like to think they will.

One day a fellow worker brought these two in that his wife had packed.  I could not believe how heavy they each were!  And she had taken the time to decorate them so lovely.  At times I miss the days of packing one or two extra special boxes.  That's why this year I am not setting a total number goal but trying to pack many while packing them each as unique as possible.

I enjoyed seeing these done up so lovingly and filled with wonderful items.  They reminded me of the premise of Operation Christmas Child:  one box from one family/person to one child.  Tho many of us pack in multiples, we can still make them individual in some way--just as the child receiving it is.


  1. You got me! I do a packing party at church each year. We just packed a little over 200 boxes! I like to have all the basics set up, but at the end, I let the kids add a few extra things they choose based on the age of the box. Your blog has reminded me of a lot of good points lately. This year I will try to shop all year to have more items that are different instead of the exact same assembly line.
    Blessings to you and your family~

  2. Thanks for sharing your shoe box adventure. It is hard to find that balance -- touch lots of kids and touch them individually. I think it will always be a work in process for us all. Thanks for letting me know you find my postings helpful at times.

  3. I have gotten so excited reading your blog! I try to find fun things along with basic needs for my boxes all year long. I use to set a number on how many I could do, but this past year I felt lead to just stockpile then separate in November. As I go I remember certain "themes" for each box. I then had family get involve with my "project" & donate their birthdays for shipping & fillers. How exciting to find another with storage boxes & shelves for the same project! I will continue reading this year to watch your fun progress.

  4. How Fun!! Thanks for sharing your shoe box journey. I love reading what others do. Glad to have you join the progress reports I share on my journey! Happy Packing!

  5. I wanted to let you know that the ribbon will be put in the shoe box and will be part of the gift. If you put any thing else to hold the box closed it would be put at the top of all the other stuff in the box.


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