
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party Memories

In the early part of November 2013 I shared how our Children's Pastor had drafted my daughter to host an Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing party for the kids at church.  She had 12 days to plan, shop (with a very limited budget) and organize the packing of 100 shoe boxes by the kids in our AWANA program (grades K thru 5).  I shared our journey as it unfolded and I have decided to share links to all of the posts here so anyone interested in hosting a packing party can find them easily and hopefully find some ideas and inspiration for their own party.

AWANA Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing party.

Here is a link that will take you to the blog page that you can scroll down thru all the posts tagged with the packing party -- if you would like to find them that way:  Spur of the Moment Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Packing Party.

Little girl with Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes at packing party.

Happy Packing!


  1. I glean so much from your sharing!!

  2. wondering where you find so many shoe boxes?

  3. Valda, we put out a plea on a small business's FB page and put up a sign requesting them. Also put up on our kid's FB page from church. For this party we also got to use all the left over ones our church had that people hadn't picked up to pack. In the past we have had a few shoe stores that would save them for us.

  4. Thanks answered my query. Best wishes with your boxes.


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