
Satin Blanket Binding on Bitty Blankets for OCC Shoeboxes

I recently tried out another idea I've had for making bitty blanket loveys for the 2 to 4 year old Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  Kristy, from Hopeful Threads, had sent me some crafting goodies a while back and included were two packages of blanket binding.  Such fun prints and it is silky smooth -- just what little ones would love to finger as they fall asleep or need a little comfort.

Winnie the Pooh satin binding on mini blanket loveys for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

I love Winnie The Pooh.  The ORIGINAL Winnie The Pooh, not so much the Disney "impostor" as I have heard him called.  It's sort of like if you've read the book you'll hate the movie idea.  Once you have read the original stories the cartoons don't
stand a chance.  But the Disney illustrations are lovely.  So I am thrilled to have this binding.

Winnie the Pooh satin blanket binding.

The back has Hunny Jars on it, not to be confused with Honey Jars, which can be easy to do by a bear with fluff for brains.  I will be making more than one Pooh themed shoe boxes this year (and for years to come, I hope!).

I liked how this fabric reminded me of bubbles -- perfect for this fish binding. I know this is some certain fish, Nemo maybe?  I have not made his acquaintance like I have Pooh's, but I like the binding just the same.

The back of this binding is different, too, from the front.

If you try this remember the back of the binding is a little shorter than the front -- the edges do not line up. That is why I used a zigzag stitch; to be sure to catch both edges.

I chose to add the binding to just one edge of the blanket for several reasons including it will take less room in the box, I did NOT want to miter corners if it wasn't necessary and I wanted to use the nifty mini-scallop cutter that I received from my late mother-in-law's sewing supplies.  I cut mine 15 x 18 inches each since the fleece is 60" wide.  That means I get eight out of one yard of fabric.

I have quite a bit of the binding left and will do several more but I just couldn't wait to try it out since my friend brought so much fun fleece to me a couple weeks back.  I should be able make about ten from each package.

You can find several other types of little blankets I've designed in this post:  Making Bitty Blankets for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.


  1. How beautiful! I just love these "loveys" as my grandsons would have called them, when they were little. That was a long time ago. They are ages 13 and 18 now ;^)

  2. What a great idea! My son loved pooh bear as a child, not the Disney cartoonish ones either. More classic style. I have a ton of fleece scraps left overs from birthday party capes. (As take home gifts). I was just looking at the scraps yesterday wondering what I could do with them. This would be a perfect idea project! Thanks for the inspiration

  3. Glad to help, Anon. They are so quick and easy to whip up.


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