
My Tub Overfloweth with Crafted Items Donated for Operation Christmas Child

My friend owns a discount craft store and she loves to help children.  For the past two years she has collected crafted items all year long for Operation Christmas Child.  I have the privilege of delivering them to OCC.  Many will go in my own shoeboxes and I'm able to deliver many as fillers each year for the Operation Christmas Child shoebox processing center.  Every month or two I receive the donated items.  As you can see, my tub overfloweth

Crochet donations to Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

There are dozens of fleece scarves and crocheted hats (many Aunt Ida's design) and crocheted lovey bitty blankets and pencil cases. Some of the pencil cases are
already filled with sets of the bulk colored pencils we had purchased earlier.

Crochet wallets.

My favorites are these cute little wallets crocheted by a young woman at Chelle's CayBees.  There were a couple of dozen of these donated last year and I tucked a pack of crayons inside each.  I put them inside plastic bags first just in case there was any problem with melting, I didn't want the lovely wallet ruined.  EDITING TO ADD:  Chelle has written up the instructions for us.  You can find them here:  Mini Purse Crochet Instructions.

Do you love crafting handmade items for your shoe boxes?  What's your favorite to include?  If you haven't already, you might like to join the Crafting For Shoeboxes Facebook page.  It's a great place to get new ideas, see what others are crafting and share your own.  You can also check out our Crafting for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes DIY Craft Index.  We have written dozens of illustrated how-to crafts for your shoeboxes.


  1. While I have no crafting gene, I have sisters and friends who do. We have hats made,dresses and my one sister, knits outfits for dolls. We find beautiful baby dolls and give them a "physical" to make sure they are in perfect condition and then they are given beautiful outfits. Another sister makes dolly blankets to go with them. Since we do so many boxes we hunt material and yarn at estate sales,thrift shops. That way we're able to do them for pennies.

  2. How wonderful to have a community of shoe box packers. Love how each one has their own part to make the whole.

  3. Hello I was wondering if there is a pattern for those cute purses? I'm just learning to crochet.

  4. Hi, Rayell. I have asked the gal who created them if she could share the pattern. She said several have asked her so she needs to type them up -- if she can lay her hook down long enough to do it. I'll let her know you, too, were asking. If she gets them together I'll share them here, or a link to them, and I'll update this post so you can find them.

  5. Thank you so much Cheryl!

  6. You are welcome. After sharing your comment with her she said she will write them up :-) .

  7. Chelle has written up the instructions for the mini purses. You can find them here:


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