
Clearance Deals for OCC Shoebox Stockpile Saturday ~ 9/3/2016

 I got some fun items for my Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes at Dollar General's 50% off clearance last weekend:

Dollar General clearance sales for Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing.

I also found sum "summer" toys on (unmarked) clearance 75% off at CVS-so 75 cents a piece.

CVS clearance shopping for Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing.

I also forgot to include this photo last week.  I found these at Walgreens 90% off for 69 cents a piece. I know that's more than say the 17 cent lined paper notebooks at Walmart, but these were so nice, I thought it would be worth more-almost a WOW item for some of my 10-14 year old girl shoeboxes.

Spent from shoebox packing budget: $7.29

Spent from gift cards  I earned or won online: $4

Added to stockpile:
  • 9 water bottles
  • 1 Lego type kit
  • 6 sheet stickers
  • 1 construction vehicle toy
  • 4 sets jacks (could be split into 8 sets if needed-1 ball and 8 jacks each)
  • 1 yo-yo
  • 3 nice journals
If you are interested in tips for packing, check out our series of Tips for Packing Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

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