
October Item of the Month for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes ~ Personal communication

Samaritan's Purse has suggested items of the month for packing Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, and for October that is personal communication.  This can be various things, a long handwritten letter, a signed Christmas card, a printed letter, a photo, etc.  Or some combination of those things.  Personally this year I think I'm going to include a typed letter and photo, and sign a card, maybe with a short note related to what is in that specific box.  Like "I hope you like butterflies, I packed this box with lots because my Aunt C likes them", etc.

I've heard that often one of the first thing a child looks for is to see who the box is from.  Some of these children may live in orphanages, and while some orphanages are great, not all are, or there may just be too many kids!  You may be the only person who has done something personal to make that child feel special!  I want them to have a face and a name to feel loved!

A simple start would be to just include the photo Christmas Card you're sending to friends & family, but a letter is great, too!  If you'd like some ideas of how to get started/what to write, check out my post: Tips on Writing a Letter to Include in Your Operation Christmas Child Shoebox.  If you're packing with your kids, Samaritan's Purse, offers this Coloring Page/Letter combo that they might enjoy doing!  There is also a chance you may hear back if you include your contact info, I've heard back via post and email, others have been contacted via Facebook.  Sometimes they know someone through school, church, or their parents work with internet access and can contact you, which is cheaper for them then international mail.  My understanding is some sending countries discourage sending postal addresses for security reasons, but here in the USA we can do so.  Now for some inspiration to get working on those notes!

Photos Courtesy of Samaritan’s Purse.

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